Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Argentina Coming Full Circle

Folks, I know it is difficult to give a hoot about countries so far away, especially when the Cowboys have lost their quarterback. I know it is even more difficult when speaking upon far away countries involves the "f" word. That's right, finance.

Depending on whom you ask, the present situation is either socialism or fascism. The choice of words probably more reflects political affiliations than any substantive differences. We're witnessing a mass concentration of power, which is being rationalized as "for our own good."

The cases of Argentina and SE Asia are subjects that I like to visit with regularity because they are examples of what global finance has in store for us all. As Americans, you're right to ask what any of this has to do with you. Well, for all that good that America and global capital has been doing for (to) the world, as civilian-killing fighter hero John McCain proclaims, is now coming full circle. We are now about to get IMF-ed royally.

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