Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ron Paul on Obama

Here's a little something for the keepers of the faith in the Democratic Party from presidential candidate Ron Paul. I think good Democrats should be concerned about what Senator Paul says here, because it's not very nice and asks for substance over symbolism.

Every smart person knows that at a time of crisis, we can't let substance get in the way of hope. Let's not let the facts about who Obama's largest contributors are get in the way of hoping for change; let's allow ourselves to feel good about voting for a black man, instead of asking the question of how it is a one-time black Senator could miraculously gets legitimacy by appearing on the cover of propaganda instruments like Time Magazine long before the race heated up.

The Rush Limbaugh types have been cracking fun at the messianic regard that Obama receives among his supporters. I detest Limbaugh. He's just another propaganda parrot to dupe alienated and disgruntled whites. Even though these types' solution is to seek refuge in the time-tested American tradition of racism, there's something to what they're saying. Obama supporters are content with "hoping" for "change," holding "faith" that somehow we will be "saved" (can you say born again) by one who by my best estimation has been "chosen" this country's true rulers, i.e., Goldman Sacs, et al.

Senator Paul comes from the ilk of disaffected whites, I know. Nonetheless, like Kuchinich, Nader, and Cynthia McKinney, he's actually telling the truth.

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